Ubuntu 18.04 on a Chromebook

Mr. Hallway
1 min readJan 26, 2021

With out developer mode.

With the rise of Crostini, or Linux (Beta), Chromebook users now have the ability to run Debian on their device. Some may ask “What if I don’t like Debain?” well… let us see what we can do!

Opening up a new Chrome OS developer Shell (crosh), Ctrl + alt + t, and entering vmc create shell followed by vmc start shell will give us a new prompt. This prompt is important because it gives us more control. We can now enter lxc launch ubuntu:18.04 to create a Ubuntu container (you can replace ubuntu:18.04 with any other Linux distro you want, as long as you can find it in one of the lists on lxc remote list).

After running the launch command it should say, if it worked, Starting <Container name>. We can now set the root password with lxc exec <Container name> passwd root and enter the shell with lxc console <Container name>.

You can leave the shell by pressing ctrl + a followed by q. When ever you reboot your device you are going to need to run vmc start shell and lxc start <Container name>, followed by the console command to enter the shell.

Tip: You can rename your container by running vmc rename <old name> <new name>.

